
Saturday, January 8, 2011

My 2010 Reflection

What I have enjoyed this year was going on trip to one tree hill because we got to touch lava rocks from the volcanoes. This year what I enjoyed learning the most was camp because we got to paddle in the canoe at the Pt England reserve. I would have liked to do more of spor’s and writing, maths, reading and fun games outside. I have liked learning how to get better at writing because I used to suck at writing. What I want to work harder at is maths because I forget my time tables.
My best memories from this year are athletics day and capture the flag because they remind me of the time we played midnight. My goals for next year are to go up more levels on my writing and maths. The way I like working is by talking in a group to get good ideas. The thing that improved on is reading because I moved up a couple of levels.